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Scotland November 2022 - Killin

9 Munro’s during this adventure:

Meall Ghaordaidh – Meall nan Tharmachan – Ben Lawers 7

The map above shows the total route I hiked during this adventure.


The map on the left shows the facts of this standard week; 7 days, 6 nights in beautiful Scotland.

I’m still working on the overall report but to the right is the last (sun) day of this wonderful week.

‘Ben Lawers 7’ in 1 day (but without pack!) but more on that later.

Left the same route but in

The Munro on the lower left is the Meall nan Tarmachan that I walked the (Saturday) day.

The day before (not on the map but this week) the Meall Ghaordie.


On Saturday we also hiked the, impressive, Ben Lawers Dam. I will share the photos later in the report.